Planning the Town Center
A measured approach to protect an amazing community, and make it even better.
We are lucky to live in the Pacific Northwest. That is why we are working carefully with the city and residents to enhance what makes Sammamish so special.
With innovative, site sensitive designs to protect surrounding natural areas that incorporate significant new open spaces, The Sammamish Town Center will connect to the existing trails and recreational opportunities in the Lower Sammamish Commons Park and beyond. Offering a variety of housing choices and multigenerational living, residents will find a shopping and entertainment district in the heart of Sammamish.

What services are you hoping to find in your Town Center neighborhood? A hardware store or family friendly restaurants - or maybe one of each?
The City's Town Center Plan
Following years of meetings and community engagement sessions, the Sammamish City Council adopted the 240 acre Town Center Plan in 2008, (with implementing regulations in 2010-2011) and amended in 2020. Today near SE 4th Street and 228th you will see the beginnings of the City's plan with the addition of Sky Apartments, Metropolitan Market and the Sammamish Medical Pavilion, among others.
We are excited to be collaborating with City staff to bring the Town Center to life.
Where's the Town Center Project Located?
Our project is located within the City's Town Center Zoning Designation and it is made up of 90+ contiguous acres. Planning, designing and creating The Sammamish Town Center is taking place in phases. This allows for the most flexibility between planning and implementation. Phase I & II are currently underway and shown in red below.
We are excited to be collaborating with the city and Sammamish residents to bring the Town Center to life.

Phase I
Conveniently located west of Metropolitan Market at the corner of 222nd PL SE and SE 4th Street in Sammamish, Brownstones West will create a greater variety of housing choices within the City. The ground breaking is planned in 2024 working in partnership with Terrene Homes.

Brownstones West
Blocks 1 & 2 approved and permitted for the southwest quadrant. (PSUB2019-00561)
Units fronting a park-like setting
Rendering Source: Terrene Homes
Phase II
Multi-generational living
Blocks 3 & 4 proposed for the southwest quadrant. (UZDP2019-00562)
Brownstones East
Square foot
Square feet of
Accessible to the Commons Park
Blocks 5 - 7 Core Mixed Use Area proposed for the southwest quadrant. (UZDP2019-00562)
Community Courtyard, Shops & Restaurants

The start of the green spine that connected to Lower Sammamish Commons Park from SE 4th Street. Proposed outdoor dining area and covered performance stage. (Buildings Conceptual)

North of Central Gathering Court (Buildings Conceptual)

Street View. (Buildings Conceptual)

The start of the green spine that connected to Lower Sammamish Commons Park from SE 4th Street. Proposed outdoor dining area and covered performance stage. (Buildings Conceptual)
Activated Retail
The Sammamish Town Center's retail strategy will enhance and create an enduring and memorable experience, while creating a prized sense of place. The Sammamish Town Center has incredible potential to create a "special downtown" for Sammamish. This unique identity includes walkable streetscapes, open spaces, pop-up shops featuring the latest fashion trends, every day retail, and programmed events to provide lifestyle activities year-around.
The Sammamish Town Center will seek local restauranteurs to bring new offerings to the city.
Multifamily Residential Units
Activated Retail
Square feet of retail
Activated Retail
Open Space
Activated Retail
Block 9 proposed for the southwest quadrant. (UZDP2024-00050)
STC Phase II

STC Phase II proposes to create multifamily residences and retail spaces programmed and designed around a landscaped courtyard. The courtyard is designed to serve residents with a combination of active and passive amenities including:
Communal grilling areas
Informal garden areas and ornamental landscape planters
Outdoor dining patio and seated areas with movable furnishings